Sarah Luisa Wurmer wins Fanny Mendelssohn Förderpreis 2025

Award winner 2025 Sarah Luisa Wurmer, Martin Hoffmeister, FMFP founder Heide Schwarzweller
As a concept prize, the Fanny Mendelssohn Förderpreis stands for tracking down and promoting visionary concepts and new trends in classical music like no other classical music prize. With her special instrument of the zither and her concept “Intimacy”, Sarah Luisa Wurmer impressed the renowned jury chaired by Martin Hoffmeister at the competition final at the weekend and emerged as the winner of the year 2025.
The original arrangements of classical pieces alternating with new compositions that the 22-year-old from Munich put together for her program reveal the zither in a fresh and unheard way as an instrumental rediscovery of our time. Through its simplicity and tonal diversity, the instrument creates moments of intimate listening, mutual openness and intimacy. In times of increasing polarization and social challenges, Sarah Luisa Wurmer awakens the therapeutic effect of music with her programme written for the zither.